Sunday 27 January 2019

Snap back? What's that!

"Beautiful just the way we are"   

Picture taken from Pintrest

This is something id like to address - there is so much pressure on new mums to "snap back" to our pre pregnancy figure. Id like to ask Why? Why is it such a big deal to "snap back" ?!

Iv seen it on TV and in the magazines, Celebrities are having their babies and in 4 weeks time they are back to their pre pregnancy bodies. Not very realistic! Then again I cant afford a personal chef to cook all my meals, or a nanny to do the night feeds so I can sleep so I feel and look fresh.  I don't know about you but 4 weeks after having my baby I still felt as if id been hit by a bus, I was still sore, and felt as rough as a badgers arse! Id only just given up my sexy stockings, and my hips were still really bad as I suffered from pelvic girdle pain, so there was no way you was getting me into the gym!

" When are you going on a diet to loose your baby weight? "

I was never one of these girls who weighed themselves on a weekly basis and when I was pregnant I was fully aware my body was going to change. Getting on the scales of course its going to say I'm heavier I'm carrying another human inside me! As for eating for two, id eat pretty much a healthy diet baring the odd... OK a few chocolates! As for weight gain I didn't really change, my legs and arms stayed the same it was pretty much my tummy getting bigger. 
After baby was born my tummy still looked like I was 5 months pregnant and that's 'normal' it had been stretching for over 9 months! 6 months on id say its pretty much gone back to how it was its just a little more 'plump' and 'bouncy' then it was before. It will probably be another 6 months for it to change again but that's ok. I am proud of my Mummy Tummy it is where my baby grew. Where I held my baby while he slept, ate, stretched, developed! It is the place I felt him for over 9 months and I'm in no rush to "snap back" My body will probably never look the same and I'm happy with that.

At the moment I'm happy, I'm enjoying mother hood and to me that's all that matters. Don't get yourself down by what you see and what other people are saying, as long as your happy and healthy that's all that matters! If I want chocolate ill have it, if I want cake ill eat it! Mummies are tired as we are up all night so we need energy to function in the day, if the only way I can get my energy is from the sugar in that cake ill do it! And ill do it for all the mums out there! That's what I tell myself anyway.. 
My body is what it is now. I'm a mum my body has created life. I am powerful!


  1. Wouldn't it be nice if you just snapped back without any effort, but to be honest it took 9 months to grow that little bundle and it takes that to go back. It's good to just take your time and be kind to yourself x

    1. It really is. Thank you for reading and leave a comment. Enjoy your day Susan x
